LED Moth Trap part 3
Further notes on building a simple and inexpensive LED light trap for moth recording using ultra-violet LED tape.→
Further notes on building a simple and inexpensive LED light trap for moth recording using ultra-violet LED tape.→
A few years ago Gorytes laticinctus was a rare wasp in Britain, found in a few sites mainly in south-east England.→
Gonepteryx rhamni, the Brimstone butterfly is an iconic species, possibly the original 'butter-coloured fly'.→
A couple of weeks ago I cleaned out the bird nest boxes on the farm in preparation for the coming nesting season.→
For 20 years now we have been recording the first arrival of migrant birds to our farm in Wales. The table below lists the dates for some of the species, those we have recorded every year.→
This morning I tuned into the garden nest box camera to see how the blue tit (Parus caeruleus) was getting on. I was surprised to see not a bird sat patiently on a mossy nest, but sat instead on top of another bird.→
The Slave-making ant Formica sanguinea has a strange distribution in Britain. Common in parts of southern England and central Scotland the only other locations are a few sites scattered in the counties along the Welsh/English border.→
We have two polytunnels which we use for growing tomatoes and other fruit and vegetables, bumblebees and solitaries enter and leave through the doors and pollinate the flowers, sometimes they nest inside the tunnels.→
A simple and inexpensive LED light trap for moth recording continued.→
In June 2017 I stopped at Iping Common, West Sussex with the intention of photographing Silver-studded Blue butterflies. But I also payed a visit to a colony of the slave-making ant Formica sanguinea which live in a small sand quarry at the edge of the common.→
Building a simple and inexpensive LED light trap for moth recording using 12v ultra-violet LED tape.→
A mosaic gynandromorph ant from Montgomeryshire.→